Section 2. Purposes. The Chapter is affiliated with a national non-profit professional society (the Society of Broadcast Engineers, Inc., a District of Columbia corporation, hereinafter the Society) designed to serve the professional needs of those persons engaged in Broadcast Engineering. Its purpose is to further the aims of the Society.
Section 2. Term. Memberships are annual and terminate on April 1. New and renewal applications shall be filed with the secretary, and shall include the applicants name, Society number, mailing address, and employment affiliation.
Section 2. The terms of all officers shall be two years, beginning November 1.
Section 3. No officer shall serve more than four consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 4. No officer shall receive any compensation for services performed in his official capacity, but officers shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of official duties.
Section 5. A vacancy in the office of Chairman shall be filled by the Vice Chairman. The Chairman shall fill vacancies in the other offices by appointment until the start of the next term.
Section 6. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, and shall perform all other duties normally associated with the office.
Section 7. The Vice Chairman shall perform all duties normally associated with the office, and shall assume the duties of the Chairman in the Chairmans absence.
Section 8. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Chapter. The Secretary and/or newsletter editor shall be responsible for the circulation of meeting notices, and shall send meeting reports and attendance records to the Society Executive Secretary, and shall keep any other Chapter records as may become necessary.
Section 9. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all records and books of account of the Chapter. All records shall he open to inspection by members in good standing at reasonable times. The Treasurer shall generally supervise all accounts and monies of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall furnish an annual financial report to the Society Treasurer and keep any other Chapter financial records as may become necessary.
Section 10. The officers shall also serve as the Directors of the corporation.
Section 2. Standing committees shall consist of the following:
(b) Elections Committee, which shall consist of three members.
Section 2. If voting by secret ballots, ballots shall be mailed to each member at least thirty days prior to the election.
Section 3. If voting by secret ballots, ballots may be cast at the election meeting or submitted absentee. Absentee ballots must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the election.
Section 4. . If voting by secret ballots, at least ninety days prior to the election, the Nominations Committee shall prepare and disseminate to all members a slate of proposed officers. The Nominations Committee, when possible, shall nominate at least two members for each office. Members of the Committee may not be candidates unless nominated at large from the floor.
Section 5. If voting by secret ballots, the Elections Committee shall supervise the election, tally the votes, and notify all candidates and the Secretary of the results, The Secretary shall notify the members of the results in the next monthly newsletter mailing or on the Chapter Website. The Election Committee shall arbitrate any election dispute. Its decisions are final.
Section 2. The general order of business at the meetings shall be as follows:
Section 4. A Quorum shall consist of at least five members in good standing, including one officer.
Section 2. Absentee ballots on the proposed amendments shall be returned to the Secretary within thirty days of the mailing.
Section 3. Discussion and voting on the proposed amendment shall take place at the next scheduled monthly meeting.
Section 4. The amendment is adopted if affirmatively accepted by two-thirds of those voting. The amendment shall become effective 30 days after its adoption.
Section 5. The Secretary shall notify all members of newly adopted amendments in the next monthly notice or on the Chapter Website, and shall provide to each member requesting it, a printed copy of the amended By-Laws as soon as is practicable.